Pastoral care
Pastoral care is vitally important to the life and culture of our school. Class sizes promote a family atmosphere which underpins the structure and ethos of Rockport. Our school community aims for cohesion and inclusion for every child where the well-being of everyone is the prime concern of each member.
The children are all recognised as individuals. Children are cared for, nurtured and encouraged at all stages of their development. We know that a happy, secure child is an effective learner. We aim to promote emotional intelligence; encourage tolerance and understanding between all; and foster the kind of community where everyone helps each other and looks after our environment.
The class teachers (in Early Years) and form tutors (in Junior and Senior School) provide the key link between school and home, and are responsible for the academic, spiritual, moral and social wellbeing of their tutees. They communicate regularly with parents and are the first point of call for any concerns. The Principal and Deputy Principal are always on hand if a parent has concerns which the Tutor is unable to help with.
The Deputy Principal is the Child Protection Officer and liaises closely with all staff and external agencies.
The Head of Boarding acts as Boarding Tutor and should a child have a problem in the boarding house, works closely with our highly experienced and dedicated Houseparents and boarding staff.