Earlier this month we were delighted to welcome prospective P1 pupils and their parents into Rockport, to test out all the play equipment, meet the teachers and experience the magic of Rockport for themselves. It was a lovely day and we look forward to seeing lots of their faces again in September.
This week (27th - 31st January), we’re opening our doors to prospective post-primary pupils considering the next big step in their education journey. By booking an individual visit while the school day is running as normal, young people and their parents can really get a true sense of the day to day in Rockport, and imagine themselves being part of it.

This Open Event is not only designed for new parents and pupils to the school, but any existing parents of children in Early Years or Upper Juniors who would like to find out a little more about our Senior School.
We are also welcoming pupils and parents considering options for Sixth Form. The Sixth Form experience at Rockport is about exploring a new intellectual landscape and offers pupils two years of rich stimulus in the classroom, a wealth of experience and opportunity outside it, and an ideal preparation for life after school. The range of academic disciplines is broad and the curriculum is designed so that every pupil will be able to follow their own interests and to move onto whichever chosen path of Higher Education they wish to follow.
Please make an appointment through the school office to arrange your bespoke tour of the school. Equally, please feel free to tell your friends and family about our Open Week, if they have a child who might be interested in joining the Rockport Family!