From the 12th - 16th March 2019 we hosted the Round Square Globally Accessible Conference for 13-15 year olds.
What an amazing few days and an event to remember!

Rockport is a member of the Round Square organisation and its ethos is an integral part of everything that happens at the school.
Round Square is a world-wide association of schools on five continents sharing unique and ambitious goals. Students attending Round Square schools make a strong commitment, beyond academic excellence, to personal development and responsibility.
The Round Square approach promotes six IDEALS of learning: Internationalism, Democracy, Environment, Adventure, Leadership and Service. These are incorporated into the curriculum throughout all member schools.
As a member of Round Square, Rockport has the opportunity to arrange local and international student and teacher exchanges on a regular basis between their schools. Rockport pupils also have the opportunity to participate in local and international community service projects and conferences.
Tasks tackled through the community projects include building schools, classrooms and community centres; building clean water systems for remote hill-tribes or creating and maintaining trails in National Parks. Local materials are used, and teams always work with local people ensuring that they take ownership of the work once it has been completed.
Round Square teams currently work in Thailand, Cambodia, Peru, Honduras, India, Kenya, South Africa, Romania, and Canada.